Individual Assessment
This checklist is intended to heighten the awareness of personnel to the importance of Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness in health and human service settings. It provides concrete examples of the kinds of beliefs, attitudes, values and practices that foster Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness at the individual or practitioner level.
The following self-assessment can assist health care service providers in identifying areas in which they might improve the quality of their services to culturally diverse populations.
Promoting Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness
Self-Assessment Checklist for Personnel Providing Health Care Services
Directions: Please select A, B, or C for each item listed below.
A = Things I do frequently, or statement applies to me to a great degree
B = Things I do occasionally, or statement applies to me to a moderate degree
C = Things I do rarely or never, or statement applies to me to minimal degree or not at all
This checklist is intended to heighten the awareness and sensitivity of personnel to the importance of cultural and linguistic cultural competence in health, mental health and human service settings. It provides concrete examples of the kinds of beliefs, attitudes, values and practices which foster cultural and linguistic competence at the individual or practitioner level. There is no answer key with correct responses. However, if you frequently responded "C", you may not necessarily demonstrate beliefs, attitudes, values and practices that promote cultural and linguistic competence within health and mental health care delivery programs.
Adapted from: Tawara D. Goode ▪ National Center for Cultural Competence ▪ Georgetown University Center for Child & Human Development▪ University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research & Service ▪ Adapted Promoting Cultural Competence and Cultural Diversity for Personnel Providing Services and Supports to Children with Special Health Care Needs and their Families ▪ June 1989 (Revised 2009).